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2022-04-11 16:29  






2007年6月毕业于浙江大学药学院, 201812月晋升为教授,硕士研究生导师






以第一发明人获得授权国家发明专利19项;主持并结题国家自然科学基金青年项目一项:斑蝥素类PP1PP2A双重抑制剂的结构优化与构效关系研究 81202411 医学部)、浙江省自然科学基金项目一项(优秀结题):蛋白磷酸酯酶抑制剂衍生物的设计合成与构效关系研究 Y2100872 医学部)、浙江省科技计划项目公益类工业项目两项:奥硝唑绿色合成工艺的应用 2011C21069)和基于抗抑郁药物盐酸安非他酮的环保溴化工艺的研究与推广应用(GF20H300011、绍兴市科技计划项目重点项目两项、新昌科技计划项目一项等;获得排名第一的浙江省科技成果登记证书4项;2013年度获绍兴市科学技术三等奖和绍兴市自然科学优秀论文二等奖。目前在研科研项目为2020年度浙江省科技厅公益性项目。


具有全国公共英语五级PETs-5证书和上海市英语口译高级证书,入选学校2017年度首批双师双能型教师。长期是绍兴市地方制药企业的科技指导员,与绍兴的制药企业合作开发“二甲胺丁缩醛的绿色合成工艺”、“奥硝唑绿色合成工艺的应用”、“非洛地平的工艺研究”  “蛋白磷酸酯酶抑制剂衍生物” “抗抑郁类原料药文拉法辛的工艺改进”等工艺。



1)Liu,F.M., Deng,L.P., Wu,J.R., Wen,N., Wang,Y.Y. Synthesis of New 4, 5-Dihydro -2’, 5’- dioxo-pyrrolino[4,5-c] isoxazole Derivatives by 1 ,3- Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry.2004, 24(5), 521-524 (In Chinese)

2) Deng,L.P., Liu,F.M., Wang,H.Y. 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction: synthesis of Novel 5, 6-Dehydro Norcantharidin Derativies of Substituated Aromatic Amines with Potential Antitumor Activities. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2005, 42, 13 -18

3) Deng,L.P., Hu,Y.Z. N-[4-(Dimethylamino)Benzylidene]-4-methyl benzenesulfon -amide. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports.2005, E61, 2652-2653 

4) Deng,L.P., Hu Y.Z. Synthesis of Novel Pyrazole-linked Norcantharidin Deriva- tives of Substituted aromatic amines with Efficient 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloaddition. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry.2006, 43, 1715-1719

5) Deng,L.P., Wang,W., Lv,J.G. Ornidazole  Hemihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports. 2007, E63, 04204

6) Deng,L.P., Hu,Y.Z. 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction: Synthesis and Configura  -tion of Norcantharidin Derivatives of Substituted aromatic amine. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2007,44,597-601.

7) Deng,L.P., Hu,Y.Z. Synthesis of Novel Norcantharidin Derivatives of Substituted  Aromatic Amines with Improved 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloaddition. Synthetic Communni -cations. 2007, 37(1), 157-163.

8) Deng,L.P.,Shen,L., Zhang,J., Yang,B., He,Q.J., Hu,Y.Z. Norcantharidin analogues: Synthesis and Evaluation of Growth inhibition in a panel of selected tumor cell lines. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 2007, 85, 938-944. 

9) Deng,L.P., Yang,B.,He,Q.J.,Hu,Y.Z. Novel 1, 2, 3-triazole-linked Norcantharidin analogues : Synthesis and Evaluation of Growth inhibition in a panel of selected tumor cell lines. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery. 2008, 5(3), 225-231.

10)Deng,L.P., Yang,B., He,Q.J., Hu,Y.Z. Disodium Phosphate of  Novel Pyrazole- linked norcantharidin analogues: design, Synthesis and their Anticancer Evaluat -ion. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery. 2008, 5(5), 346-352.

11)Deng,L.P.,Tao,W.F.,Lv,J.G. Wang,W. Synthesis of Novel Pyrazole-linked Norcan -tharidin Derivatives of Substituted Aromatic Amines with Efficient 1,3-Dipolar Cv -cloaddition. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2009, 46(4), 640-644.

12) Deng,L.P., Shen,Y.M., Tao,W.F., Lv,J.G. Wang W. Disodium Phosphate of Nor -cantharidin Analogues: Design, Synthesis and their Anticancer Evaluation. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery.2009, 6(5), 346-352.

13) Deng,L.P., Zhang,Y., Tao,W.F., Shen,J.F.Wang,W. Synthesis of Norcantharidin- dimer Derivatives. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2011, 48(1), 158–161 

14) Deng,L.P., Zhang,Y., Tao,W.F., Shen,J.F. Wang,W. Synthesis of Heterocyclic Sub -stituted Norcantharidin Derivatives. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2011, 48 (4), 808–813

15) Deng,L.P., Tang,S.L. Norcantharidin Analogues: A Patent Review (2006-2010)" Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Patents. 2011 Nov 21 (11):1743-53

16) Deng,L.P., Dong,J. Wang,W. Cantharidin as an Antitumor Agent: A Retrospective Review. Current Medicinal Chemsitry 2013, 20(1), 159–166 

17) Deng,L.P., Dong,J. Wang,W.A review for mini-review in medicinal chemistry. Mini-Rev in Med Chem. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2013, 13, 1166-1176 


18)Chunqi H, Xin L, Wei W, Ruoyu Zh and Liping D,*Metal-N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes as Anti-Tumor Agents. Current Medicinal Chemsitry. 2014, 21, 1220–1230 

19)Chunqi H, Jianfeng Sh, Kejun B, Ruoyu Zh and Liping D*. Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 2, 4, 5-Triphenylimidazole Derivatives with Preliminary SAR.  Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2014, 11, 762-769

20) Deng,L.P., Zhang,Y., Tao,W.F., Shen,J.F. Wang,W. Synthesis of Pyrazole-Linked Norcantharidin Analogues of Substituted Chromones Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2016, 53 (5), 808–813

21). Wei Wang, Liping Deng,a,b* Chunqi Hu, Yaohong Zhang,aYan Li, and Shufeng Zuo. Synthesis of Isoxazole-Linked Norcantharidin Analogues of Substituted Chromones Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2017, 54(5), 1806 -1811.       

22) Guofang Wang, Jian Dong and Liping Deng*. Overview of Cantharidin and its Analogues. Current Medicinal Chemsitry 2018, 25(17), 2034-2044

23) Guoqing Chen, Yong Li, Wei Wang & Liping Deng*. Bioactivity and pharmacological properties of α-mangostin from the mangosteenfruit: a review. 2018, 28 (11): 415 -427


24). WeiWang Huan Xu, Xuemei Ren Liping Deng*,Interfacial interaction of graphene oxide with Na-montmorillonite and its effect on the U(VI) retention properties of Na-montmorillonite. Journal of Molecular Liquids.  2019,276(2): 919-926.                           


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